Opie, Longo, Katz & More at Hamptons Fine Art Fair, 2024

Attendance expected to reach 10,000

The Hamptons Fine Art Fair has become the largest cultural event in the Hamptons. About 8,500 guests attended last year’s Fair. This year, attendance is expected to reach 10,000. 


We have chosen recent acquisitions and other works from some of our favorite artists to exhibit at the Fair. Here’s a preview of some of the artworks available at the VFA booth:


The universal appeal Julian Opie’s (b.1958) works were a decisive factor when we chose to bring his Standing Couples series to the Fair.



Standing Couples is a series of six reliefs with collage, done in 2024, that Opie chose to place in simple white frames. They exemplify his instantly recognizable clean, simple style. “I have always felt a sense of competition with other forms of image-making, like advertising or design." he said,  "It would infuriate me if they were allowed all o these fabulous tools and formats and the artists were forced to stick with what people viewed as their proper materials, such as bronze and found objects and oil paints.”


Opie’s animated works can be seen in cities around the world and in the permanent collection of the National Portrait Gallery in London, the Tate, the Victoria and Albert Museum, MoMA, the Takamatsu City Museum of Art in Japan and many other fine venues. 



 Drawings from Robert Longo’s (b. 1953) iconic  Men in the Cities series will be on exhibit at the VFA booth. The Men in the Cities series garnered much acclaim when it was prominently displayed in the apartment of fictional character Patrick Bateman in the film American Psycho in 2000.


Three huge drawings by Longo were recently gifted to the National Gallery of Art. and will be on display in the East Building Tower 3 galleries through September 22, 2024. Each drawing, done across several sheets of paper, depicts a a branch of the United States government: the White House, the U.S. Capitol and the Supreme Court Building. The Engines of State series  was donated to the National Gallery of Art by American artist Clifford Ross.



Works by Alex Katz, Roy Lichtenstein, Ian Davenport, Harland Miller, Polly Apfelbaum, Sam Friedman, Diid, Kenny Scharf, Donald Sultan, Mel Bochner and Tom Wesselmann will be on exhibit.


The Hamptons Fine Art Fair 2024 runs from July 11 through July 14 at the Southampton Fairgrounds. We’re at Booth #227.


 Hope to see you there.




Art Plugged. Julian Opie: Walking in Milan. June 20, 2024.

Dawn S. Markowitz. On the Cover: March 2024. Wealth Management. February 27, 2024.

Staff Writer. Hamptons Fine Arts Fair Returns to Southampton. The Southampton Press. July 8, 2024.

July 10, 2024
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