2023: A Year of Gratitude at VFA

At VFA the excitement and joy of this holiday season began early in December at Art Miami


It has been a wonderful year; starting with the much-deserved and much-appreciated retrospective for Alex Katz, the world-wide celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Picasso, and the 100th birthday remembrance-celebration of Roy Lichtenstein. These artists are just three of the most talented fine are printmakersthe world has known, and they have been an inspiration for us since we opened our doors.


Also inspiring are the artists we have discovered along the way and the enthusiasm their works are met with by the collectors who visit our gallery and our site.


Contemporary artists like Clare Woods (b. 1972) from the UK and  Dabs Myla, the husband-and-wife duo from Australia, are well-known in their native lands and are garnering attention in the United States. 


The works of Italian artist, Amleto Dalla Costa (1929-1973), are celebrated throughout  Europe but not as well known here in the U.S., although Dalla Costa’s style  and use of color have influenced many contemporary artists.


Extremely satisfying has been the response to the generative artists whose unique styles and techniques have become an important part of our gallery. Austin-based artist, Tyler Hobbs, has been generous with his time and knowledge. German artist, Richard Nadler (b.1987), like Hobbs, is a fine artist, whose works translate well into fine art prints. 


A special tribute this season to Nobue Watanabe, who came to America from Japan in 1965 and embraced life in the U.S.. Watanabe died on December 1, 2022 and left behind a body of work that reflects his appreciation of life.


Our appreciation and gratitude goes to the artists whose works have dazzled us for so long and to the collectors who have given us much support and encouragement.

December 27, 2023
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