Andy Warhol For the Holidays

Celebrating Andy Warhol at VFA

I have Social Disease. I have to go out every night. If I stay home one night I start spreading rumors to my dogs.”
– Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol partied a lot, especially during Christmas, a holiday that he loved to celebrate. In 1956, sixty-two years ago, Andy Warhol designed his first Christmas cards for Tiffany & Co. They were so successful that Tiffany asked him to design more. Warhol made Christmas cards for Tiffany until 1962…the year he exhibited his first Campbell’s Soup Cans.


Warhol’s art blended commercial and fine art and his energy and life style ramped up the New York art scene. At Vertu, when we think of the holidays, we celebrate the works of Andy Warhol, and remember how much fun it is to see his use of colors and composition, often sprinkled with a little diamond dust.



Andy Warhol at the Whitney

Everybody’s always asking me if I’m a Communist because I’ve done Mao.”

If you’re lucky enough to be spending the holidays in New York this year, you’ll be able to see the largest Andy Warhol exhibition since a  1989 retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art, just two years after his death, and the largest exhibition the Whitney has ever devoted to a single artist.

ANDY WARHOL — FROM A TO B AND BACK AGAIN contains over 350 of Warhol’s works, ranging from his early days as an illustrator, his POP Art, films, flower paintings, performance art, installations, photos and portraits, including a section on his MAO paintings, drawings and screenprints.


Warhol based his MAO works on a portrait done by Chinese artist Zhang Zhenshi. Zhenshi’s portrait was used for the frontispiece of Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, known as The Little Red Book. A must-have for Chinese citizens during Mao’s rule, more than one billion copies of the Little Red Book were translated and distributed world-wide, making Zhenshi’s portrait of Mao the most widely reproduced artwork in the world.


MAO, 1972, available at VFA, was inspired by the news coverage Warhol read about then President Nixon’s trip to China in February 1972 to visit China. Nixon’s trip, during the Cold War, was the first visit by a sitting American president to the People’s Republic of China, which was considered an enemy nation.

ANDY WARHOL — FROM A TO B AND BACK AGAINat the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, runs through March 31.


Andy Warhol Fine Art Prints at VFA

Please contact us if you would like more information at MAO, Shoes or any of the other Fine Art Prints for sale at VFA.

December 17, 2018
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