Harland Miller
126.5 x 86.4 cm
Harland Miller’s Demons Are Forever featured prominently in Miller’s 2022 exhibition Imminent End, Rescheduled Eternally at White Cube Bermondsey, London.
Miller says “The starting point for the painting was a detail taken from a painting by one of my favourite artists – Danish Situationist Asger Jorn’s. I think instead of worrying about his ongoing influence on my work, I decided to bring it forward in the form of this very small detail that I’ve blown up and reworked on a large scale – repeating back to front and then upside down – reducing in size each time to create or suggest a kind of eternal spiral. Combined with this colour palette – so associated with depictions of demons over time, it echoes the idea of forever in the title and also combines this idea of high and low culture, which is also a forever kind of theme in my work.”
Miller’s Demons Are Forever edition has been painstakingly handmade through multiple layers of etching and relief printing, with extensive hand-finishing by the print studio.